So what can someone do to combat car thieves, break-ins, and crime seeking them out? There are actually a number of things you can do to prevent yourself from becoming a target of crime, and the answers might surprise you.
For starters, keep valuables out of your car. Though everyone has probably heard this before, the statement still holds true. Keeping valuables out of your car such as phones, wallets, purses, cameras and other important items keeps your car from becoming a target to theft. When it comes to items installed into the car such as a subwoofer or car radio, ensuring that the item is installed securely and parking in a well illuminated area can also help prevent your car from becoming a target.
Though you might be tempted to leave your car running to warm up during these cold months, you shouldn’t for a couple reasons. For starters, it’s illegal. According to the Colorado Revised Statute 42–4–1206 it states, “No person shall allow an unattended motor vehicle to remain idling for more than twenty (20) minutes from the time the motor was started, by remote starter or other means.” What this means is that law enforcement officers can issue tickets to individuals who leave their car running. Not only is it illegal, but leaving your car running and unattended leaves a prime opportunity for someone to steal it. Just this year, 294 cars were stolen in the Greeley area alone, and not leaving your car idling is a great way to ensure you stay safe.
The Weld county sheriff’s office has also created a video urging individuals to lock their cars. To find the video, follow the link.
But what if you live off campus and still want to keep your area safe? There are a couple things that you can either purchase, enroll into, or join to keep yourself informed and safe. There are a number of doorbells with cameras on them, but the problem with these is they are so expensive. offers links to some of the best, most affordable security cameras that a college student can afford. Each camera listed on the website offers unique capabilities for whatever you might need a security camera for. If you do end up getting a security camera or already have one, you can register the camera for the Neighborhood Watch camera program. So if a crime occurs, Greeley PD can use the footage from the cameras in the area to help with their investigation. The program is free and you can withdraw at any time.
In addition to a cheap camera, another thing you can do is join and follow different Facebook groups such as the neighborhood watch of Greeley, Weld County Sheriff’s office, and Greeley Police department. The benefit of following these pages is simply information. The neighborhood watch of Greeley is a community run page that lets Greeley residents inform the public about suspicious activities, persons, and recent crimes as they happen. The Greeley police department page and the Weld County Sheriffs page offers updates on major crimes happening within the Greeley and Weld County, as well as offering information on how to help.
For more information about the affordable cameras, go to:
For more information about The Neighborhood Watch of Greeley, go to:
For more information about the Greeley Police Department, go to:
For more information about the Weld county Sheriff’s office, go to: